Hope Women Center
For the past three years, Cameroon has been engulfed in a brutal conflict known as the ‘Anglophone Crisis.’ A peaceful strike, initiated by teachers and lawyers, quickly turned into a revolt against the marginalization of the English-speaking regions of the country.
The government’s response included intimidation, arrests, jail, and torture, which has now become the norm. As a result, there has been a dramatic increase in gender-based violence against women that has had a devastating impact on individuals and communities.
Based on a survey conducted by CAEPA, 100% of 320 women surveyed were victims of violence, such as beatings, coercion, early and forced marriage, forced harmful practices, public shaming, and humiliation, intimate partner violence, murder, prostitution, rape, social isolation, severe verbal abuse, sexual harassment, spousal abuse, and trafficking.
The City of Hope Women’s Centre will be a safe place providing solace and shelter for Cameroonian women and girls who have experienced a multitude of traumas resulting from the conflict. Here at CAEPA, our vision is to create a facility, run by young feminist activists, that offers healing and refuge for women and girls who have suffered unimaginable abuse and provides community support and resources in a safe and nurturing environment. Survivors will have the opportunity to become empowered and financially independent through educational programs (workshops and classes) and post-trauma treatment/mental health support provided by qualified specialists to help them get back on their feet.

Join CAEPA’s community of hope by bringing these women a City of Hope.
To make this possible, we urgently need your help.
Please help us free these women and girls from a never-ending brutal nightmare of human rights violations and a plague of injustices. No one deserves to face a life of
constant abuse and fear of death. Your donations will contribute to the resource center that will include a library, a study room, one computer room with internet access, workshop rooms equipped with resources, a small kitchen to provide meals for the women staying at the Centre, a community garden for fresh produce and for use in healing activities and dormitories for women in need of shelter.